Tuition in Sylhet Area

Are you looking for tuition in Sylhet? Here, you will easily get the list of the best home tutors in Sylhet city. “Top in Bangladesh” is the best tuition website in the Sylhet area. This is the largest Tuition Media in Sylhet District. We help students/parents connect with qualified Sylhet tutors. This is the most trusted leading online platform for students & tutors. Find the best home tutor in our biggest tuition media in Sylhet division. Here you will get skilled teachers for your sons and daughters. So, without wasting your valuable time, check all the best tutors in Sylhet below. If you need a good tutor in Sylhet, then you can send us an email or fill up the form below. We will help you get an ideal tutor in Sylhet city.
Dipika Chanda
Experience: 2 Years
Location: Tilagorh
Preffered Class: 1-12
Preffered Subjects: Anything (Science Group)
Preferred Time: Any time of day
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2500
Days Per Week: 3-4 days
Medium Of Education: Bangla
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 5.00
University Grade:
Phone: 01705991436
Md. Jihadul Haq
Experience: 3 Years
Location: University gate
Preffered Class: 5-12
Preffered Subjects: Physics, Chemistry
Preferred Time: Any time
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 3000
Days Per Week: 3-4 days
Medium Of Education: Bangla
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 5.00
University Grade: Sust (Physics Department)
Phone: 01712498211
Sezaul Karim
Experience: 4 Years
Location: Shahi Eidgah
Preffered Class: 3-12
Preffered Subjects: English, ICT , General Math
Preferred Time: 2-8 pm
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 3000
Days Per Week: 3-5 days
Medium Of Education: English medium (class 3- class 8 ) and Bangla
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 5.00
University Grade: Honors Final Year (Running)
Phone: 01782659213
Shahriar Shahid
Experience: 3 Years
Preffered Class: 8-10
Preffered Subjects: Science related
Preferred Time: 3:30-7.00 pm
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 3000
Days Per Week: 3-5 days
Medium Of Education: Bangla
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 5.00
University Grade: Bachelor of Dental Surgery Studying
Phone: 01764505779
Syful Islam
Experience: 3.5 Years
Location: Baluchor
Preffered Class: 6-12
Preffered Subjects:
Preferred Time: 1-8 pm
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 3000
Days Per Week: 3-4 days
Medium Of Education:
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 5.00
University Grade: 3.7
Md. Monirujjaman Pabel
Experience: 2 Years
Location: Rajpara, Tilagor
Preffered Class: 8-10 (Science and Arts)
Preffered Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Preferred Time: Any Time
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 3000
Days Per Week: 3-4 days
Medium Of Education:
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 4.50
University Grade: 3.26
Phone: 01738670902, 01515271902
Khadiza Khatun Jami
Experience: 2 Years
Location: SUST Gate
Preffered Class: 1-12
Preffered Subjects: 9-12 Humanities
Preferred Time:
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2500
Days Per Week: 4 days
Medium Of Education: Bangla
SSC Grade: 4.44
HSC Grade: 4.75
University Grade: 3.51
Phone: 01318812818
Abdullah Al Sayem
Experience: 3 Years
Location: Majortila
Preffered Class: 9-12
Preffered Subjects: Math, Physics, Chemistry
Preferred Time: Evening
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 3000
Days Per Week: 3 days
Medium Of Education: Bangla
SSC Grade: 4.94
HSC Grade: 4.00
University Grade: EEE 2nd Year
Phone: 01765425424
Amenul Hasan
Experience: 4 Years
Location: Tilagor
Preffered Class: 1-9 and HSC Commerce
Preffered Subjects:
Preferred Time: Afternoon to Night
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2000
Days Per Week: 3-4 days
Medium Of Education:
SSC Grade: 4.60
HSC Grade: 3.97
University Grade: Honours Final Year Running
Phone: 01780230502
Aireen Akther Lija
Experience: 1 Year
Location: Subid Bazar
Preffered Class: 1-5
Preffered Subjects: Bangla, Mathematics
Preferred Time: 5:00 pm
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2000
Days Per Week: 5 days
Medium Of Education:
SSC Grade: 3.24
HSC Grade: HSC Candidate
University Grade:
Phone: 01630247351
Hafez Md Juman
Location: Boroikandi
Preffered Class: Arabic
Preffered Subjects: Kayda, Sipara, Quran
Preferred Time:
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2000
Days Per Week: 5 days
Medium Of Education: Quran Hafez
SSC Grade:
HSC Grade:
University Grade:
Phone: 01640026548
Tahsina Takia
Location: Akhalia
Preffered Class: 1-10
Preffered Subjects: Biology, English, Physics
Preferred Time:
Expected Minimum Salary:
Days Per Week: 3-4 days
Medium Of Education:
SSC Grade:
HSC Grade:
University Grade: Sust
Phone: 01639617415
Location: Mejortila
Preffered Class: Play-10
Preffered Subjects: All
Preferred Time: 4days (1 hour 30min)
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2000
Days Per Week: 4 days
Medium Of Education: Bangla
SSC Grade: 5.00
HSC Grade: 5.00
University Grade: 1st year running
Phone: 01752589091
Rumman Khan
Experience: 5years
Location: Nayasarak
Preffered Class: Play-12
Preffered Subjects: All
Preferred Time: 4days (1 hour 30min)
Expected Minimum Salary: Not less than 2000
Days Per Week: 4 days
Medium Of Education:
SSC Grade:
HSC Grade:
University Grade:
Phone: 01765640837
Hope, you get the right tutor for your children. Tuition in Sylhet is a popular means of earning for some University students. They like to do home tuition in Sylhet. Also, some tutors do online tutoring jobs in Sylhet. Moreover, parents want to hire a qualified Tutor from a trusted site. If you want to include yourself in this tuition website as a tutor, you can email us or fill up the form below. Then send us a message.
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